There will always be sunshine after the rain

Early 1990th brought dark clouds of heavy rains to Rustamova Sayyara’s life as well, as they did with more than 800 000 Internally Displaced People. In April 1993 the dark clouds brought severe "Daghlig Garabag” storm which destroyed the house, fruitful garden, cattle, joyful living of The Rustamovs’ in Kalbajar region and brougt the family to Nematabad village of Yevlakh region.

Shollar water


Now, a great part of Shahnezerli village is using "Shollar” water as drinking purposes

Shahnezerli community of Shabran rayon suffered from lack of potable water for long years. Despite of existence of potable water line in the village, only 3-4 local families can use this water since the water line is out of order. Other families carried water or were obliged to use ditch water for drinking purposes after purifying it. Though the project’s implementation delayed for

Tufandan və yağışdan sonra günəş çıxar..... (Çin atalar sözü)

1990-cı illərin başlanğıcı daimi yaşayış məskənlərindən didərgin düşən 800 000-dən çox Məcburi Köçkün kimi Rüstəmova Səyyarənin də həyatına qara buludları gətirdi. 1993-cü ilin aprel ayına ... 

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