On July 27, 2015 the opening ceremony of the "Repair of intra-community roads" project was organized in Gimilgishlag community of Khachmaz rayon, jointly implemented by Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union, Second Azerbaijan Rural Investment Project and Gimilgishlag community within the European Union funded "Rural Sustainable Development Initiative” program. As result of the implementation of this project 9300 meter of intra community roads was rebuilt and different diameters of metal pipes were placed in several places for water crossings. In total, 2777 people living in community have benefited from this project and their safe, comfortable and efficient movement was improved.
During the ceremony, the village elders and intellectuals expressed their deepest gratitude to Azerbaijan Government, the World Bank, European Union, Khachmaz Rayon ExCom, AzRIP and "Umid” organization for their project implementation support.