A round table was held with the School Development Council on April 19, 2023, at the secondary schools No. 280 named after M. Mehdiyev in Hovsan settlement, Baku, and No. 262 located in Turkan settlement, Khazar district as part of the project "Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community” carried out by "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union ("Umid” SSD) and T-NETWORK, an educators’ experience and communication platform, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and technical support from Baku city Education Department. The projects pertaining to the priority subjects were discussed at the round table in light of the survey results.

The main goal of the project, "Initiative to improve the school's reputation through the development of the school community,” which has been in place since December 2022, is to strengthen ties between the school and the community in order to raise the school's reputation and create a productive learning environment. Within the framework of the project, the School Development Council was formed at the secondary schools No. 262 in Turkan settlement and No. 280 named after M. Mehdiyev in Hovsan settlement.


Note:The article's content is not the responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Education

Projects on priority topics were discussed with the School Development Council