June 15, National Salvation Day, is a milestone in the modern history of Azerbaijan. On this day, the return to power of our National Leader Heydar Aliyev marked the end of a deep socio-political crisis prevailing in Azerbaijan at the time. His leadership eliminated the threat to Azerbaijan's independence and laid the foundation for state-building and socio-economic development.

In June 1993, Azerbaijan faced a complex socio-political situation that posed a real threat of civil war. Recognizing the imminent danger, the APC-Musavat government sought the assistance of Heydar Aliyev, Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Responding to the call of the people and the ruling circles, Heydar Aliyev arrived in Baku on June 9. He courageously intervened to prevent the escalation of civil conflict, risking his life in negotiations held in Ganja.

On June 15, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan, marking the beginning of a new and successful phase in Azerbaijan's recent history. This date was subsequently recognized as National Salvation Day, a pivotal moment commemorated as a national holiday since 1998.