A further roundtable was held with the School Development Council
The round tables were held on May 8, 2023, at the secondary schools No. 280 named after M. Mehdiyev in Hovsan settlement, Baku, and No. 262 located in Turkan settlement, Khazar district as part of the project "Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community” carried out by "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union ("Umid” SSD PU) and T-NETWORK, an educators’ experience and communication platform, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and technical support from Baku city Education Department. The regulations for the proper implementation of the costs for the projects chosen for funding and offered by the School Development Councils were considered at the round table.
Preparation of project cost estimation was discussed with School Development Councils
A round table was held on May 2, 2023, at the secondary schools No. 280 named after M. Mehdiyev in Hovsan settlement, Baku, and No. 262 located in Turkan settlement, Khazar district as part of the project "Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community” carried out by "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union ("Umid” SSD) and T-NETWORK, an educators’ experience and communication platform, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and technical support from Baku city Education Department. The development of the cost estimation of the projects proposed by the School Development Councils and chosen for funding was the topic of discussion at the round table.
6 projects were selected for funding by School Development Councils
At the secondary schools No. 280 named after M. Mehdiyev in Hovsan settlement, Baku, and No. 262 situated in Turkan settlement, Khazar district, School Development Councils selected 2 projects from secondary school number 280 and 4 projects from secondary school number 262 for financing out of the 5 projects that were submitted from each school on April 28, 2023, as part of the project "Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community” carried out by "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union ("Umid” SSD) and T-NETWORK, an educators’ experience and communication platform, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and technical support from Baku city Education Department.
Today marks 100th anniversary of outstanding Azerbaijani scientist-ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva
State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations issues a statement regarding the mine explosion in Tartar
This event should be considered as the next mine terror in the territory of Azerbaijan. During a period of nearly 30 years, Armenia not only occupied the cities and regions of the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, but also deliberately mined those areas on a massive scale in order to kill innocent people. As a result of the numerous mine explosions that took place in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a total of 286 people became victims of mine terrorism and 48 of them died...
Projects on priority topics were discussed with the School Development Council
A round table was held with the School Development Council on April 19, 2023, at the secondary schools No. 280 named after M. Mehdiyev in Hovsan settlement, Baku, and No. 262 located in Turkan settlement, Khazar district as part of the project "Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community” carried out by "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union ("Umid” SSD) and T-NETWORK, an educators’ experience and communication platform, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and technical support from Baku city Education Department. The projects pertaining to the priority subjects were discussed at the round table in light of the survey results.
A training session on "Writing a Project Proposal" was held
The State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations is currently developing its strategic plan
In-school needs were discussed at the roundtable
A round table was held with the School Development Council on April 10, 2023, at the secondary schools No. 280 named after M. Mehdiyev in Hovsan settlement, Baku, and No. 262 located in Turkan settlement, Khazar district as part of the project "Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community” carried out by "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union ("Umid” SSD) and T-NETWORK, an educators’ experience and communication platform, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and technical support from Baku city Education Department. The round table discussion focused on the needs of the school and its surroundings.