As NGOs from Azerbaijan, we vehemently condemn the attacks and acts of vandalism committed against the premises of Azerbaijan's diplomatic missions abroad by the radicals of the Armenian diaspora in the countries such as France, Lebanon. These attacks, containing the elements of terrorism, are aimed at causing harm to diplomats and their property, and are considered crimes that give rise to international criminal responsibility. We would like to draw attention to the fact that the "1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,” an international agreement outlining the status and functions of diplomatic missions, "The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity”. We regret to inform you that the response to the attacks against the Azerbaijani embassies is not satisfactory. Even though it has been a few days since the incidents, the institutions in charge of stopping provocations have not yet issued enough statements or dealt any punishment with the perpetrators.

We, as Azerbaijani NGOs, strongly condemn the criminal acts of radical Armenian groups and expect the institutions of respective countries responsible for preventing such provocations to treat their duties responsibly. Guided by the principle of the rule of law, we demand that the acts of vandalism committed by radical Armenian forces be investigated by the law enforcement agencies of the respective states and a legal assessment be given to the actions of the perpetrators of these crimes.
As representatives of the Azerbaijani civil society, we believe that these countries should accept the responsibility of the attack on Azerbaijani embassies as a state, understand the concerns of the Azerbaijani people, seriously investigate the incident, organize the finding and punishment of those responsible, and inform the government and people of Azerbaijan about the results.
We also appeal to representatives of NGOs and mass media in the countries where armenian communities organized attacks on Azerbaijani embassies, and call them to be sensitive to the processes and not to be indifferent to what is happening. If the crime goes unpunished, it might be committed again in other places in other forms.


September 20, 2022, Baku