A presentation ceremony for the project "Initiative to improve the school's reputation through the development of the school community” carried out by "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union ("Umid” SSD) and T-NETWORK, an educators’ experience and communication platform, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and technical support from Baku city Education Department took place at school No. 262 in Turkan settlement, Khazar region, on January 17, 2023. The management of "Umid" SSD, the chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Science and Education, the deputy director of the Baku City Education Department, the administration of secondary schools No. 262 in Turkan settlement and No. 280 in Hovsan settlement named after M. Mehdiyev, as well as teachers, parents, and community members (entrepreneurs, Executive Representative, etc.) participated in the event.

In her introductory remarks, Kamala Babayeva, the director of Turkan Settlement Secondary School No. 262, expressed her delight that her institution had been chosen as a project target school and thanked the administration of the Baku City Education Department and "Umid" SSD for this.

"The main goal of the project is to transform the school into a community hub”, said Israyil Isgandarov, executive director of "Umid” SSD.

In her statement, Gunel Safarova, the chairwoman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Science and Education, provided information on the deliberate efforts made by the Ministry of Science and Education to implement the model of school-family-community collaboration. According to her, the community's strong involvement in the school's educational process will significantly improve school-community ties and boost the school's reputation.

The Baku City Education Department's deputy director, Huseyn Asgerov, stressed the significance of programs designed to improve school-community collaboration and include community members in the educational process.

The project manager from "Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union gave a presentation at the event outlining the objectives, primary duties, activities, and outcomes of the project titled "Initiative to improve the school's reputation through the development of the school community”.

Discussions about the project were held in general as the event continued. Speaking parents, educators, and community members, such as Gadirova Chinara, Rzayev Namig, Aliyev Sharif, Sattar Aliyev, and Ariza Adigozalova, shared their opinions on the significance of the project to be implemented, the effects of community-school collaboration on the educational process, crucial activities for enhancing the school's reputation, and proposals.

A presentation ceremony of the project “Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community" was held
A presentation ceremony of the project “Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community" was held
A presentation ceremony of the project “Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community" was held
A presentation ceremony of the project “Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community" was held
A presentation ceremony of the project “Initiative to improve the school’s reputation through the development of the school community" was held