The Training Center of the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy, which is located in Shamakhi, hosted an enlarged mobile meeting of the Supervisory Board of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations on April 12-13, 2023. The agency reported that experienced NGO representatives, supervisory board members, and staff members were present at the conference. The main purpose of the meeting was to analyze the Agency's strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, define the mission and vision, strategic goals for 2024-2026, and prepare an action plan to achieve the strategic goals. Discussions about the creation of the "Strategic Plan of the Agency for 2024-2026" were undertaken during the meeting with the invited NGO representatives. Ideas and proposals for the Strategic Plan were presented in 4 sessions in each of the 3 groups made up of experienced NGO specialists and representatives, Supervisory Board members, and members of the Agency's executive staff. The group proposals were examined, organized, and provided as a rough draft by the participants following each session's discussion.
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The State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations is currently developing its strategic plan
The State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations is currently developing its strategic plan
The State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations is currently developing its strategic plan