Today marked the official commencement of the training for NGOs on "Climate Change and COP," jointly organized by the Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations and the Institute of Development and Diplomacy of ADA University. Representatives from 100 NGOs are actively participating in the training. Addressing the opening ceremony, Tural Aliyev, Head of the NGO Work Sector at the Presidential Administration's Work and Communication Department, underscored Azerbaijan's earnest preparations for COP29. Given the vast scope of global climate change and COP discussions, Aliyev stressed the crucial need for public awareness and knowledge enhancement in this emerging field. He highlighted Azerbaijan's notable global initiatives, including support for small island states threatened by climate change-induced submersion and advocacy for a "COP ceasefire" to promote peace amidst conflicts. Aliyev commended Azerbaijani NGOs for their comprehensive approach, urging timely submission of Bilateral Transparency Reports (BTRs), essential documents for COP proceedings.

Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Vugar Karimov, expressed high regard for the collaborative effort between ADA University and the State Support Agency for NGOs in organizing the training on "Climate Change and COP." Aygun Aliyeva, Executive Director of the State Support Agency for NGOs, affirmed the agency's commitment to executing significant programs aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of NGOs.

Marziya Vakilova-Mardaliyeva, a representative of the Presidential Administration, emphasized the national priority of fostering a clean environment and promoting green growth. She highlighted the designation of Karabakh, Eastern Zangezur, and Nakhchivan MR as green energy zones. Notably, the professional training at ADA University will familiarize NGOs with key concepts of climate change, prevalent trends, manifestations, and the core principles of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Upon completion of the training, participants will receive certificates acknowledging their participation and proficiency.

Training on "Climate Change and COP" is being conducted for 100 NGOs
Training on "Climate Change and COP" is being conducted for 100 NGOs
Training on "Climate Change and COP" is being conducted for 100 NGOs
Training on "Climate Change and COP" is being conducted for 100 NGOs