Today, a conference titled "Development of Relations Between Families of Martyrs of the Turkish World" was organized by the "Zafar" Public Union for Support of Martyrs' Families.

The conference began with the singing of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the "Independence March" of the Republic of Turkey, performed by the "Banovsha" children's choir of the Cultural Center named after Shahriyar. The memory of the martyrs of the Turkic world was honored with a minute of silence.

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus addressed the conference participants via a video message.

Sevinj Alizadeh, chairman of the "Zafar" Martyrs' Families Support Public Union, highlighted that the first visit of families of martyrs from the brotherly Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to Azerbaijan signifies an important milestone in the developing relations between the two countries. He expressed gratitude to the State Support Agency for NGOs of the Republic of Azerbaijan for backing the project, stating, "Our connections within the Turkish world are continually expanding. We are a family, sharing the same roots, language, religion, and path. We are stronger together! Our martyrs are sacred to all of us, and we remember them with endless love, respect, and reverence."