Today is Independence Day in Azerbaijan. On May 28, 1918, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR), the first secular democratic state in the Muslim East, was established. This year marks 106 years since that historic event. This holiday is being celebrated in the liberated territories for the fourth year.

As a result of the February Revolution in Russia in 1917 and the fall of the Tsarist Empire, the national movement of the peoples oppressed by the Tsarist regime gained momentum. On May 28, 1918, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-1920) was established, marking the first secular democratic state in the Muslim East. Founded by Muhammad Amin Rasulzadeh, the ADR was the first parliamentary republic and the first example of a democratic, legal, secular state in the Turkish and Islamic world. The first head of the interim government of Azerbaijan was Fatali Khan Khoyski. After working in Tbilisi for 10 days, the National Council moved to Ganja. It wasn't until September 15, 1918, after the Caucasian Islamic Army cleared Baku of Dashnak-Russian forces, that the national government moved from Ganja to Baku.

During its 23-month existence, the independent Republic of Azerbaijan achieved significant accomplishments and victories. Women were granted the right to vote, ensuring equality between men and women. Crucial steps were taken to build a national army, establish a National Bank, introduce a national currency, democratize the society, and organize free elections. Additionally, the establishment of international relations, the de facto recognition of Azerbaijan's independence by the international community, ensuring the integrity of Azerbaijan, and implementing economic reforms were among the historical successes of the Republic.

The first state to officially recognize the ADR was the Ottoman Empire on June 4, 1918. On November 9, 1918, based on M.A. Rasulzade's proposal, the ADR adopted its tricolor national flag. Until then, the flag of the Republic was only red.

Despite its achievements, the ADR could only maintain its existence for 23 months amid tense and complex socio-political conditions. The Republic was invaded by Bolshevik Russia before it turned two years old, resulting in the temporary loss of Azerbaijan's place on the political map. Soviet Russia forcibly included Azerbaijan. However, the idea of independence endured, and with the collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991, Azerbaijan regained its independence.

In honor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the Declaration of Independence monument was erected in Baku. Independence Day was called Republic Day from 1991 to 2021. At the plenary session of the Milli Majlis on October 15, 2021, a new law "On Independence Day" was adopted and approved by President Ilham Aliyev. With the approval of this law, May 28 - Republic Day was renamed and declared Independence Day. Thus, Azerbaijan is celebrating Independence Day for the third time after the approval of this law. Independence Day in Azerbaijan is a non-working day and is celebrated as a holiday every year.