Due to "Umid” HSSC's managing skills and relations with local NGO's it has been involved in management of UNHCR warehouse of humanitarian relief items and coordination of the activities of local NGO's in this field. "Umid” HSSC has been involved in delivering trainings on L-CAP (Long term Community Action Plan), Sustainability and Management Plan within the framework of CHF/SII Program.

"Umid” HSSC has been involved as a partner in the UNHCR Income Generation Program implemented by DRC. Due to it's experience on conducting surveys, "Umid” HSSC has been involved in the organization of surveys in Beylagan. "Umid” HSSC has learned DRC experience on lending loans through Communities and is applying this program in Imishli. "Umid” HSSC has organized its office in the region. "Umid” HSSC has been involved in "Education" project implemented jointly by UNHCR and UNICEF.

"Umid” HSSC owns well-provided offices in Baku, Sumgait and Imishli. Staff members are invited to International seminars and Conferences, and take part as NGO representatives in Governmental events such as CIS Conference, Working Group on Poverty Reduction.