Umid Humanitarian & Social Support Center held its next traditionally seminar in Masally city
Tarix: 6-07-2007, 16:08
Winners of a drawing and article contest held on "Environment, Energy and Safety" were awarded
Tarix: 27-06-2007, 14:20
The opening ceremony of two more Demonstration projects implemented by the communities held
Tarix: 31-05-2007, 14:19
The demonstration projects on the use of alternative energy sources and safety completed
Tarix: 30-05-2007, 14:19
"Umid" Humanitarian and Social Support Center was awarded with Certificate as a National Winner on Sustainability in "Energy Globe Prize" 2007 competition arranged all over the world
Tarix: 26-05-2007, 16:10
Winners of a drawing and article contest held on "Environment, Energy and Safety" were awarded
Tarix: 16-02-2007, 14:18
Opening ceremonies of the micro-projects were arranged in Samadabad and Eyvazlilar communities on the usage of alternative energy sources
Tarix: 6-02-2007, 14:18
Two more communities Karrar village and Bargushad communities were provided with potable water
Tarix: 2-11-2006, 14:17